Meandering Moose

Welcome to the Meandering Moose blog.

A mix of summer camp, personal interest stories and articles

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Two Pages Back

So many times, Jesus’ disciples didn’t get it. Too often, we don’t either. The disciples had been with Jesus for years and still struggled. They had seen Jesus do SO many extraordinary miracles, giving signs and wonders to the world. This came up in discussion at one of our small group meetings during our devotional…

60 and Butter Tarts

60!! It’s just a number right? 40 and 50 didn’t really have any effect on me. Sixty feels different. My 60th birthday is April 11, 2023. Next week I become a sexagenarian. I am planning to go for a steak dinner with Elaine that night. My family is coming to celebrate with me on April…

Learning to Live with My MS

This will come as news to some that I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). To be honest, I’m still adjusting to this new change in my health. It brought up so many feelings (yes, I have them).  In November, I went to see my neurologist and from the last MRI of my back,…

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