Blog WHAT!?

You heard it right! Camp is plunging into the weblog world with the confidence of an eight-year-old in his first game of Widjiitiwin basketball. We might get a couple grass stains but it will be glorious, and OH the stories we will tell! Legends will be born, my friends, and THIS will be the place to read of them.

Today we’d have to shovel the snow off the field before we could play (pictures to come of our “always winter, never Christmas” northern wonderland!) but the chill doesn’t mean that nothing is happening! As we speak, Moose is rounding up another amazing summer crew that will sing, cheer, play, skit and lead the way through each week! Stay tuned for bios from each member of the leadership team, a video tour of the Tuck Shop, a mime-style interview with Bruno and more!

We want YOU to get as PUMPED about summer as we are, so this year we’re giving you a back-stage pass to the preparation. Check out the website for all of the official news, and keep a weather-eye on the BLOG for sneak peeks throughout your week!


Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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