What Do You Want For Christmas?

by Julie Leis
For Noah, Caitlin and Gabriel

My children ask each year the same question. After thinking about it, I decided I’d give them my real answer: What do I want for Christmas? I want you. I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your kids around (when you are blessed with them), I want you to ask me questions, ask my advice, tell me your problems, ask for my opinion, ask for my help. I want you to come over and rant about your problems, rant about life, whatever. Tell me about your job, your worries, your children, your fur babies. I want you to continue to share your life with me. Come over and laugh with me, or laugh at me, I don’t care.

Your laughter is music to me. Maybe we will even cry and pray together.

I spent the better part of my life raising you the best way I knew how, and they were some of the best days of my life.
All I ask is that we continue some of the journey together.

As a family, let’s take just sit back and enjoy time together. Even when it seems like we are too busy. There is nothing that I enjoy more than to have you all together…..Or even short visits or phone calls here and there. Each one of you add such joy to my life.

Raid my refrigerator, help yourself, I really don’t mind. In fact I wouldn’t want it any other way. You might have to fight past Dad first 😉.

I want you to save your money making a better life for you and your family, I have the things I need. I want to see you happy and healthy and loving Jesus with all that’s within you!

When you ask me what I want for Christmas, I say “nothing” because you’ve already been giving me my gift all year. I want you!

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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