Fingerprints On My Life

I find myself wondering a lot about the people who have helped form me into the person I am now. The people whose fingerprints are all over my life. The people who shaped, molded, guided and corrected me. Thanks to dad and mom, my Grandpas Greenfield & Copeland, Jack, Mr. Enns, Uncle Keith, Adolf, John, Tim, Paul, Laurie, Neil, Darrell, Greg, Jim, Ken, Roman, Burt (the best wagon ride driver ever), Mr. Enns, Peter Purvis, Mel, John x 2, Bill, Howie, Peter, Howard, Dan & Dave, Don, Mike, Darrell, Neil and Bruce x 2. You can read about them here.

It always leads me to wonder about the people whose lives I have impacted. And I feel overwhelmed by that responsibility. Was I the leader they needed? Did I steer them right… or wrong or not at all? Was I too hard on them or not hard enough? Very often we don’t get to see the results of our ministry leadership. Occasionally, we get what I call a “glimpse behind the curtain”, we get to see who or what they have become. 

Some of those who have grown to become leaders are my three daughters (Essay, Tundra and Rings), Boyardee, Giggz, Heyoo, Gaston, Squash and Tetness. I know there are more. I’m excited to see who else becomes a great leader for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

I’ve been accused of giving too many second chances and I think it’s true. But I do it because SO many leaders have given me SO many second chances.

“If you are a child at risk… all you need is one good adult to change that”. Ever since we as humans have existed, parents have struggled with raising their kids. New research is now showing that if a child has one good adult in their life, an adult who will spend time with them and form a bond with them, then their life can be changed. Travis Allison

There are a lot of people’s fingerprints on my life. It takes a village to raise a leader. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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