It’s Been Quite a Ride; a Moose Health Update

Many of you are aware of my health journey over the last 5-7 years! My health continued to get worse from 2012 until I was forced to take sick leave for the summer of 2017 (July through September). I honestly remember very little of May or June that year either. It took a lot for me to admit something was wrong, although almost everyone else saw it clearly.

I started back working part time in October 2017, working my way up to full-time by January 2018. Turns out I was suffering from post concussion syndrome initiated by my last truck accident. The doctors determined I may have had 10-12 concussions or similar events. Turns out that’s a lot. A skiing accident (landed on my head), 3 vehicle collisions, being kicked across the barn by a horse, lots of playing line in full contact pick up football, head first into a concrete gym floor and I’m sure many years of tackle Widjiitiwin basketball didn’t help. 

I started to, and still, see a specialist, Dr. Stauber, in Barrie. My head is literally a different shape than it was. My double vision (likely a symptom of the concussions) is now half what it used to be. All the doctors said it would only get worse. Surprise. 

Over a year after getting back to full time I am still not back to 100% and I prefer that this isn’t the new normal. I think I’m back to about 85%, but Elaine thinks it’s more like 70%. This past week, I met with my doctor and the news was not fun.

  • First, he told me I was pre-diabetic and needed to cut out carbs and sugar. For a guy who loves meat on a bun with a Coke or Mountain Dew, this was a scary prospect. So far it’s been a week and a half and I have only had one sugary drink and a couple buns. Eggs are my new best food. Still working on alternatives. 
  • Then he gave me the results of my blood tests. My iron and a few other things are low and so is my blood count. So off to an internist I go to find out why I and low on blood. At least my cholesterol is good. 
  • Finally, the results of my right knee x-ray where it turns out my knee cap is wearing away from the back. I have this knee operated on when I was 17 to remove a lot of damaged cartilage. Seems like bone is rubbing on bone. Of course that would explain the pain and my knee giving out. I would love to say it was from a football injury, but it was the 70’s, so I have to admit it was from roller skating at Camp Ambassador. Yup, four wheels out the side, tongue folded forward and tied down with the laces. I was pretty good at the time. So now, I’m off to an orthopedic surgeon to see what can be done. 

A lot of credit goes to my wife, Elaine, who has seen me through all the phases of this and still loves me. 

In all, God is good. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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