The Greatest Gift

As Thanksgiving approaches, we often pause to think about the things and people we are grateful for. It cased me to wonder, “What is the greatest gift you have ever received?”. I have a few that come to my mind. 

  • Life by my birth mother, though she could have chosen abortion
  • Being adopted at 6 months and receiving love & grace from my loving parents
  • Grace from God who gave me salvation in Jesus Christ (I became a Christian at 13 years old at Camp Ambassador) 
  • A wonderful wife of 33 years who is also forgiving and understanding!!! (so much more than you know)
  • 3 beautiful girls (Nicole, Carolyn & Melissa), 2 godly sons-in-law (Tim & Ben) & 3 wonderful grand children (Olivia, Logan & Liam)!
  • Not dying from doing stupid things like rock climbing with no harness during high school to name a few. The credit goes to God as He had things for me to do. 
  • Financial help when needed from many family & friends.
  • The church generously being the church when I was unemployed and also during my time of sick leave for post concussion syndrome. 
  • A variety of Christmas and birthday gifts from family & friends.
    • One year my dad gave me my grandpa’s journeyman’s box from the 1920’s.
    • Melissa knows I love to watch NCIS (TV show) and gave me a t-shirt with the Gibbs’ rules. 
    • The girls have a tradition of wrapping up the same hammer for my stocking each year that I stopped unwrapping it, so the paper grows thicker each year. 
    • And many more that have been wonderful!

SO, what’s your greatest gift? What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving weekend??

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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