Happy Siblings’ Day

Last Friday, April 10, 2020 was Good Friday. It was also National Siblings Day. I missed many of the posts, as I hit social media later in the day and didn’t get a post done. It also caused  me to ponder, what do I publish for siblings day. Hence you’re getting a blog about it. 

This first picture is with my three brothers. (Who says you have to be normal at a wedding. Maybe this IS our normal.) We tend to ham it up when we’re together, often because it drives our mom crazy. Plus it’s a lot of fun. I grew up with these men. We lived in Mississauga and north Burlington. Went to cubs, scouts and venturers. Family trailer camping across the country, playing cowboys and Indians in the hydro field. Skied at Glen Eden, explored caves, climbed cliffs and so many other activities. I love you guys! 

The second picture is of Jill Gardener, Sam Efford and my birth mom Elizabeth from my Osmond family. You see, I’m adopted. These are my birth siblings! At Christmas this year I gained two more siblings and now have more than Elaine does. It’s a longer story, but Nicole reached out to Sam and in her typical fashion, simply said, “I think my dad is your brother.” It has been quite a surreal journey these past few months. Our mom was Elizabeth Madge Osmond. While we have yet to meet in person, we have emailed, shared calls, and of course DNA! There is a serious resemblance with me and the Osmond family for me. I have never looked like anyone else before this. And, SO many of the Osmond men have beards. Huh.

Then there are friends who have become family. Elaine and I hang out regularly with four other couples (Paynes, Callejas, Potts and Greenleafs). For a long time, all of us had only girls and we have father daughter fishing and camping trips. Imagine 14 girls and four dads… Our group still does do a yearly camping trip to Mikisew Provincial Park.

One friend, Shea, is like my brother from another mother. Elaine and Ruth (Shea’s wife) say we are so much alike it’s scary. He is also adopted, so you never know. I could call any of these friends and they would come. Just like family!!

Let your family know you love them. Don’t wait for the next siblings day, or Mother’s day or Father’s day or Grandparents day or even their birthday. Do it today. Do it often. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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