She Chose Life for Me!!

World Adoption Day is coming up on Monday, November 9th and I want to thank a woman I never got to meet. 

I need to thank my birth mom for giving me life. Many of you know that I’m adopted. My birth mom was Elizabeth Madge Osmond. She had other options after discovering she was pregnant with me, but she chose life and adoption for me. I am SO very grateful for that. She passed away in the summer of 2018, and I feel a loss for someone I never got to meet. 

You can likely guess that I am pro life and you would be right. Every life is precious and we are all made in the image of God. 

At Christmas of 2019, my oldest daughter, Nicole, reached out to my half brother Sam and basically said, “I think my dad is your brother”. As it turns out I was a HUGE surprise to the family that she had kept for 55 years (and she was known for not being able to keep a secret). As Sam informed Jill, my sister, she had to sit down as it was quite a shock. Jill started contacting my uncles to see if anyone might have known something. As it would turn out there was in fact some knowledge about me within the family.

There are no secrets, just delayed knowledge. 

Since then, I have grown to love this new family of mine. They have shown me great grace and taken me in as one of their own (which I am). It is fantastic to find some people that I look like. At 6’2″ I am actually average height for a man in the Osmond family. That’s both weird and cool at the same time. 

I became the impetus to start a regular video chat with the cousins on the first and third Sunday evenings of each month. First to introduce me, now to build community with family. We cross five time zones in Canada and the USA. And we’re planning a family get-together/reunion next summer in Pictou, Nova Scotia. 

I have been writing about adoption around the World Adoption Day for  few years now. If you want to read any of those other blogs, you can check them out on the website. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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