Back to School Tips

back to schoolSummer has come to a close, let the transition to school begin. TODAY! Here are some “TIPS” that are collected from teachers and education experts that your family might find helpful.

1. Summer programs teach kids that taking care of themselves leads to success. Keep that going! Ensure your child is getting enough sleep, eating regular meals and healthy snacks and has daily exercise. When your children’s minds and bodies are nourished, they are at their best.

2. Designate a distraction-free study zone! Research shows after being distracted it takes 25 minutes for your child’s brain to refocus. Turn off those cell phones. Be sure to block all notifications and social media app’s on the computer.

3. Be organized. Organization is a family affair. Encourage your students to keep a homework planner/calendar for work, play and all extracurriculars. Tests, band practices, away games, half-days and holidays are just a few examples of reminders for your planner.

4. Start the year with good study habits. Suggest to your students to look over their notes each night to make sure they’ve got it. Fill in details, edit the parts that don’t make sense, and star or highlight information that is most important. Encourage them to study a little every day. The more familiar the material, the easier it is to remember it when it counts!

5. Encourage your student to make a friend in every class. Those will be the buddies to call to ask about the homework assignment and will be a ready made study group to review materials for tests and projects.

6. Help is available if you see your child is struggling. You can ask for help. Teachers, tutors and mentors can be a source of support for kids of all ages.

7. Charge Away! Insist on a designated charging space outside of your child’s bedroom. All electronic devices such as, TV’s, gaming devices, phones, laptops etc., should be as far away from your child’s sleeping head as possible.

8. The school year is full of challenges. Remember to be a supportive parent. Open your eyes and ears. Provide support and guidance while teaching your students independence and the ability to problem solve on their own.

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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