Moose’s Adoption Journey

Moose & JillWorld Adoption Day is November 9th. Check out for more information. 

This year was an exciting one on my adoption journey to find my birth families. 

My sister Jill came from Texas to visit us in Muskoka. For many that wouldn’t be an unusual thing, though it maybe in Covid times. For me it is. Some of you will remember that I was adopted and grew up with 3 brothers. 
Just about two years ago after lot of research and a big push from Nicole (who emailed my brother Sam with the news he had a brother in Ontario), I reached out to my birth family. The first weekend of October 2021 was the first time Jill and I met in person. I still have to meet Sam. Covid has messed with our plans a few times. It was SO great to meet and get to know each other better. Elaine says she understands me a lot better now that she sees where some of my traits come from. 
On my Purvis side (my birth father’s name was Hugh), I have discovered his family and my Purvis/McDonald Scottish lineage (76%) with the help of a second cousin who helped me track down my birth father’s family. I have talked with my birth father’s widow, a first cousin, and an aunt and uncle. I’ve been learning about him and hearing stories. Then just a couple months ago in September, we had a Zoom meeting of a 15 from a cousins group where we share DNA, common ancestors and family genealogy information. 
What. A. Ride! it has been. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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