Introducing Meandering Moose

cropped-moose_character_finalWelcome to my new website where I will be blogging, telling stories and sharing ideas. In the past, my blogs have been a mix of summer camp and personal interest stories and articles. I have carried many of those here to this new website. I started blogging as a way to build up the SEO for the Camp Widjiitiwin website. I started writing occasionally then moved it up to weekly. I grew to like it a lot. I also had some guest bloggers. Now that I’m no longer there I will continue to blog my own ideas and stories. I’m mostly doing this for my own benefit, but if I can also benefit others, that’s great.

I lost my job at MBC/Widjiitiwin the first week of October. I have been filling my time with projects at home, volunteering and helping people out with their projects as well. A couple of the tasks got done from a 20 year old to do list. Building a Murphy bed for my grandson Liam has taken a lot of time and brain power. Creativity takes work.

Waiting has never been my strong suite, but I am learning to wait and look for what God has for me next. So far I have absolutely no idea what that might be.

Welcome to Meandering Moose.

Merry Christmas!!!!!


Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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