A New Fresh Start

Calvin & Hobbes New Year

2021 was another year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. I’m sure most of us thought we would leave most of the mask wearing and plexiglass behind. Fortunately, we did get a vaccine, but new variants continue to put so much to the test. 

Every January 1st we get a new start in a new year. A time to reset our lives, routines, habits and practices, to make improvements and changes. 

Interestingly, when God sent the nations of Judah and Israel into captivity in Babylon, He was sending them back to the original home of Abraham (Ur of the Chaldeans). When they left to go back to Israel they were going back for a new start. Calling them back to Himself. Perhaps 2022 will be that for us. 

But January 1st isn’t the only time we can get a fresh start. Every time we come to go for forgiveness we get a new start. Hopefully we choose not to continue on with our sinful ways. The problem with the Christian life sometimes is that it is SO daily. We have to take up our cross daily. We have to decide daily to live in obedience with Him. 

These decisions include, but are not limited to what your character will be, what your attitude will be, your work ethic, your personality, how deep will your spiritual walk be, who will be your friends, what are your guiding life principles, how will you treat the people around you, how will you deal with conflict or disappointment or failure, how will you represent yourself to others, and there are many more decisions that you haven’t even realized yet. 

Here is one resolution I shoot for now, “be it resolved, to be a better person on December 31, 2022 than I am today through prayer, Bible study and service to my fellow man.”

What will 2022 hold for you? 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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