Pro Life & Adoption

adoption-symbolI struggled with whether to comment on the abortion issue in light of the supreme court in the USA getting ready to overturn Roe vs Wade. Plus all the attention it is getting in Canada and around the world, but I couldn’t stay quiet. I have a different view than most people. I could have been an abortion statistic. You see, I was one of those babies that my birth parents couldn’t take care of. A baby that might have been easier to get rid of. One was married at the time and went back to his wife. The other was a single woman away from most of her family in a big city. She kept me a secret ALL her life. She gave me life to be adopted by a couple who had just gone through a terrible still birth. There is more to consider than just the woman who is pregnant.

There are multiple millions of “me’s” that will never have the opportunity to live and grow up and make a difference in this crazy world. That causes me sorrow and heartache. They had a greater purpose to fulfill, but we’ll never know what it was to be. I don’t have all the answers, but I know it is bigger than just the right to abortion. Usually in society we stand up for the weak and vulnerable. Except in the case of abortion, where the person in control comes first. I struggle with that. I believe that each person is created in the image of God and are very precious in His sight. 

Many will want argue with me about pregnancies’ that happen due to rape or incest and I don’t have a good answer for those women. My heart breaks for those women where violated like that. 

Those not the vast majority of reasons for abortion. Most are out of a seemingly easy out of an unwanted pregnancy. I don’t think it’s easy and I’ve heard the emotional trauma can last for years. 

Being pro life is about more than being opposed to abortion, It is also about being pro birth, pro adoption, pro fostering, pro parental leave, pro education, and more. Please help unwanted pregnancies end in birth and adoption. Hope those who need need more options will reach out to find them. 

Having been given the gift of LIFE and being adopted, I grew up in a loving home and influenced many 1000’s of staff and campers through my work at summer camps. 

NOTE: The adoption symbol above represents the 3 sides of every adoption and the love that binds them together. The Birth Family, the Adoptive Family and the Adoptee each make up one side of the triangle. The heart intertwining each side of the triangle represents the love involved in an adoption. 

P.S. That adoption logo would make a great tattoo! Right forearm maybe…

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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