National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022

Today, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 in Canada. Learn reflect and engage awareness of the atrocities of the past, that linger. Pause today, it’s good medicine. 

The Canadian Native Flag was designed by Kwakwaka’wakw artist Curtis Wilson. His design for the flag is meant to represent First Nations in Canada to the public. We hope this flag brings a better understanding of the First Nations of our country and a vision for a unified Canada that still revels in its diversity”.  

Put in your postal code (or zip code) for information on whose land you now reside on. 

When I grew up we were not taught much if any of Indigenous history as it related to residential schools, the treaties or much of anything else. Learning of unmarked graves has brought it quickly to the forefront in the last few years. And yet, I don’t see very much action being taken by our governments to make things right. Some of the institutions involved have begun to make apologies to those who were affected over many generations.

As a white man, I am sorry for the many injustices that were done in the name of progress (Colonialism). And by churches in the name of Jesus. Jesus himself never would have treated any people like that and I’m sorry the church did.

We have lots we can learn from the teachings for our indigenous peoples. I really like the Seven Grandfathers teachings about wisdom without love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility and truth. It reminds me of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:20But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate and learn more about the cultural diversity of the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples by participating in the many activities happening across Canada! 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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