Seeing Past the Curtain

curtainWhen Elaine and I were in Alberta we, “by chance”, ran into Neil & Sharol Josephson at the Chateau Lake Louise when we decided to tour through the hotel. Or maybe it was a godwink (divine appointment). I worked with Neil and Sharol (with FamilyLife Canada) on the MBC Marriage Getaway retreat. We first met them at one of their retreats in Mont Tremblant, Quebec.  In Alberta, we talked about the idea of not being able to see where God is leading us next. Sharol said it was like a curtain they couldn’t see past. My experience has been similar in this season between job opportunities. I cannot yet see where God is leading me next. 

In my reading of Hebrews I read this passage the other day. The author is talking about The certainty of God’s promise when he writes in Hebrews 6:19-20, “We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek“.

Our church had a guest preacher, Justus Mawanda, from IN Network in Uganda (our church partners with IN to support the mission’s schools and orphanages). It felt like he was speaking right to me

Jesus appears to us and speaks to us. Jesus uses questions to guide us. From the 40 days after the resurrection. Wherever Jesus appeared to people he was timely, had a purpose and a message. Sometimes He speaks through other people, pastors, parents, children, siblings, his Word, happenings, calamities (Covid), revelations and even dreams. Hera re a few examples. 

    • On the first Easter Sunday, He appeared to Mary, who was crying, depressed and confused in the garden. Jesus came to her. Go to my brothers and tell them. Is Jesus sending you to someone?
    • In Luke 24:15-25; The two men on the road to Emmaus. Jesus came alongside them. What are you talking about? Today it is often covid or the weather, a job, your marriage, Ukraine, fuel & food prices. They invite him to sit with them. There are lots of things we talk about, but is it about Jesus?
    • At the right time Jesus came to the disciples in the upper room, though the doors were locked. What are you scared of? What brings you fear. Jesus speaks, “peace be with you”. Jesus sends them out in the power of the Holy Spirit.
    • In John 20:24-29 Jesus came back to the upper room because Thomas wasn’t there the first time. Again he says peace be with you. He cares even for one person. To Thomas, and us, stop doubting and believe
    • Jesus comes to them at the sea of Galilee. Peter had persuaded them to go back to fishing. They caught nothing. They were tired, frustrated and hungry. At the right time Jesus came to them. He tells them to cast the net on the right side of the boat (could be right hand side or proper). In John 21:5, Jesus called them, and us, friends. Jesus may want you to change the way you do things. Are we, AM I, ready to change to follow Jesus?
    • Jesus questions Peter, do you love me more than these? Do I love Jesus more than what he has blessed me with, maybe my ministries? Repeated 3 times. Jesus may be sending me out to someone or something different to feed his sheep.
    • When Jesus comes there are three questions: Do I recognize him? Do I hear what he says? Do I obey when he speaks? 

I felt quite reassured that whatever I may face, as it related to the curtain, that Jesus has gone before me. I wait upon His coming at the right time to show me my next step along in my work/ministry journey. Until then I am building decks for people and doing woodworking projects. 

More to come soon on the next chapter in my journey. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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