My Adoption & Genealogy

Greenfield-Copeland Fan ChartIn addition to birth siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and other relations, I discovered I am related to some famous cousins as I dig into a cool tool on I have also discover that I have a 4th cousin 1x removed at the end of my own road and had no idea until her brother did a DNA test. It’s like a big puzzle to figure out the genealogy! (note: “x removed” means a different generation either before or after mine). And in the last week, I discovered more Purvis family living in Ontario. 

Here are a few of my famous cousin discoveries: 

  • Abraham Lincoln, US President, 8th cousin 4x removed
  • Agatha Christie, author, 10th cousin 2x removed
  • Amelia Earhart, aviation pioneer, 6th cousin 2x removed
  • Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, 10th cousin (no, I am not in line for the throne) 
  • Elvis Presley, musician, actor, 11th cousin
  • Franklin D Roosevelt, US President, 8th cousin 4x removed
  • Gordie Howe, hockey player, 12th cousin 1x removed
  • John F Kennedy, US President, 9th cousin 3x removed
  • John Wayne, actor, 7th cousin 1x removed
  • Marie Antionette, Queen of France, 7th cousin 7x removed
  • Mark Twain, author, 6th cousin 6x removed
  • Neil Armstrong, 1st man on moon, 12th cousin 2x removed
  • Orville & Wilbur Wright, airplane inventors, 7th cousin 4x removed
  • Samuel Morse, telegraph creator, 5th cousin 5x removed
  • Theodore Roosevelt, US President, 9th cousin 4x removed
  • Thomas Edison, inventor, 9th cousin 4x removed
  • Walt Disney, animator, producer & theme park guru, 7th cousin 2x removed
  • Winston Churchill, UK Prime Minister, 8th cousin 2x removed

It’s a very interesting journey!!

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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