My Health Journey Continues

Brain Scan2022 started a new chapter in my health journey. Or maybe it’s a different continuation of an old path. I had an MRI of my head. One of the pictures is to the right. In brief, right eye problems, lots of tests including heart, an MRI, more doctors and I broke four vertebrae. More tests to follow…

Update 1 – January 11

I’ve been having trouble with clouding in my right eye since last Wednesday. Diagnosis from late Friday is non arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy. I need to see my GP for blood pressure and have my cholesterol checked. 

Saw my family doctor on Monday morning. He needs more info from the optometrist before deciding the next move. Likely to see an ophthalmologist. My blood pressure was normal. All my other levels are fine. I’m not allowed to drive for now. More blood work was done Tuesday morning. Since I’m so good at waiting, this should be easy. Most of you will hear the sarcasm. 

Update 2 – January 15

  • This has been a whirlwind week.
  • On Monday I saw my family doctor. More blood tests were ordered and all the results came back good. He put me on a daily aspirin and some cholesterol meds (I’m on the high end of normal).
  • On Thursday I had a follow up appt with my optometrist to redo the field test. My right eye was cloudier (aka worse). I get to keep my driver’s license (for now).
  • Friday morning he called and told me I had an appt with an ophthalmologist in Barrie at 10:30. It was 9:15. We made it. More eye tests. She says stoke is now ruled unlikely. MS is possible. She is thinking it’s optic neuritis. An MRI was ordered, but could take months. She also put me on a three day course of heavy steroids. Today is day one. I may not sleep much tonight.
  • Electrocardiogram is booked for next Friday
  • Heart monitor coming soon
  • Pray that my right eye will heal. Please pray that the MRI appt comes sooner than later. And that the doctors will figure out the root causes.

Update 3 – January 28

I had my MRI in Orillia last week and the results were back before my Wednesday appointment with the ophthalmologist. There is no further decline in my vision. I got to see the imaging which is very interesting. There is not enough evidence to say it is MS, though not ruled out exactly. The diagnosis is optic neuritis due to nerve inflammation. I have a follow up appointment with the optometrist for a vision field test mid February.

I had an ECG on Wednesday and most of it was good news. Very cool to watch the heart movements on the screen. I have a dilated coronary sinus persistent left superior vena cava. Yeah, I had to Google it too even after the doctor explained it. There is a CT scan with contrast dye in my future to look into this more. That’s it for now.

Update 4 – February 10

This week I had a CT scan with contrast dye. Weird feeling as the dye went through my body. The dilated coronary sinus persistent left superior vena cava is confirmed, but based on the imaging there is nothing to follow up on or worry about.

This afternoon I have a follow up field test for the vision in my right eye. The first one was January 7th and showed my left eye was missing the bottom section of vision. A week later it was worse. Today, I only have one small spot where I couldn’t see the flashing light. The Dr. gives the credit to the steroids. I include much prayer and give the credit to God. My right eye vision is not back to normal, but is improving. That’s it for now.

Update 5 – March 24

I saw a neurologist two weeks ago in search of more answers. She reviewed my MRI and took a thorough medical history with me including my newly learned biological family history. She thinks my double vision, foot and hand numbness and latest vision issue are all connected. Moving forward, she has ordered more blood tests looking to rule out Lupus (unlikely) and rheumatoid arthritis. She has also ordered a second MRI of my brain and a new one for my spinal cord.

Then I’m going for a nerve connection study. Hopefully we can find some answers. If we don’t find answers there, there is an option of a possible spinal tap as the fluid holds some key info. Now to wait for more tests and results. 

Update 6 – August 2022

After 59 years I broke my first bone. Well, four actually (L1, L2, L3 and L4). Tuesday, August I fell off a ladder (about a 10-foot drop) while cutting a large tree limb. The limb came back, knocked the ladder and I fell to the ground. I don’t think I hit my head, but my back was, and is, in a lot of pain. I could not stand on my own. So, I went by ambulance to Bracebridge hospital. They did a spinal x-ray, plus a CT scan of head, neck and spine.

They found 4 fractured vertebrae in the lumbar region (picture above), fortunately not impinging the spinal cord. After a surgery/trauma consultation with doctors at St. Mike’s in Toronto, it was determined that no surgery was required. They say the fractures are very stable and are within a ligament, so no worry of them shifting. The next step was some pain meds and to see how well I could move. And I finally got to have some water. Two rounds of meds later, sitting up, then walking, they determined I was okay to go home. Fun fact, I set off the alarms for blood pressure, respiration (I was holding my breath during the pain) and heart rate.

I am feeling very blessed for God’s protection. And as my father-in-law would say, I was keeping my angel busy. Besides the fractured vertebrae, I have right side pain making deep breaths hard, bruised ribs and road rash. I’m on two overlapping pain meds and a muscle relaxant. Recovery is expected to be 6-8 weeks. Activity will be based on managing my pain level. Now four weeks later, I have more movement, am off the heavy meds and able to relax some more. Still no heavy work for a while.

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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