Favourite Sounds I Miss From Camp

campfire-2019I haven’t been at camp this summer as my camp was closed and I am currently between opportunities. I recently saw a post in the Summer Camp Pros Facebook group that asked, “In the midst of summer, what is your favorite sound during camp?” I always loved sitting on the back deck of the Longhouse (the main building) overlooking the lower field and watching the campers run and play at various activities. Here are some of the sounds I have been missing this summer (in no particular order).

  1. The sound of staff praying with and for each other at staff prayer at 7:00 am daily.
  2. The sound of camper cheers in the dining hall (sometimes to the point of being deafening).
  3. Campers and staff singing in chapel. And the Word of God being proclaimed.
  4. Contently chattering of young voices when they are focused on a project.
  5. The cheers during field or wide games.
  6. Hearing “Moose” (my camp name) being called across a field or the Longhouse.
  7. The sound of quiet after evening program.
  8. The sound of rain approaching.
  9. The crackle of a campfire and the cheers for an Elijah fire.
  10. All the conversation, chatter and laughter during meals.
  11. Campers and staff crying at the end of a session because they don’t want to leave camp.
  12. Staff at the end of the summer telling they favourite stories and about what they learned over the summer.
  13. The kitchen staff singing loudly songs from my generation while prepping meals or cleaning up.
  14. The sounds of “Morning Monkeysand “Words from the Tower”. 
  15. The sound of competition from the Gaga pit or 9 Square. 
  16. The whistle of the wind in the trees and the crunch of the maple and oak leaves underfoot in the fall. 
  17. The sound of talk going quiet when I walk into the room and knowing something is up. 
  18. The sound of one staff teaching another how to do something. 
  19. The planning for a good prank (approved of course). 
  20. The words I have said for years coming back to me from a staff member, like “we are one team!”. 
  21. The sound of the purple Widji front gate squeaking sound of metal on metal. 
  22. The air horn signaling a drill or an emergency. 
  23. The sound of the buses arriving… and leaving. 
  24. The whistle at the waterfront. 
  25. The shout as everyone charges the middle of the field for Widjiitiwin basketball
  26. Cabin cheers after dinner on Sunday nights.
  27. Microphone check, response 1, 2; and repeat call to get everyone’s attention.

What would you add?

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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