The Start of a New Chapter

IMG_20220609_1708469After my job at MBC came to an end last fall, I was uncertain of where God would lead me. I did not anticipate a change of industry from Christian camping to security and support work. God’s timing is not my timing. I went to MBC assuming that I could retire from there and finish my career in Christian camping. That was not to be. I had not expected to be looking for work at 58 years old or changing industries all together. 

This time has given me time itself. Time to build projects for people. To help people. I have gotten things off the list that were there since we moved into the house 21 years ago. In the time I was given, I built a Murphy bed for my grandson, been rebuilding decks, helping others, cutting trees, built some planters, plus shelving and other projects at home (like the box at right in our sunroom). 

I applied for a few positions, some camp, some not, but nothing worked out. The change really came when we started to pray differently. I credit my wife Elaine for this change. She (and I) started praying that God would have someone seek me out for the skills and experience I could offer their organization. Within a very short time that is exactly what happened. He worked for me a long while ago, so it seems turn about is fair play. 

For those who don’t know, I have taken a position as General Manger of Unitas Community Health and Safety, a security and support company. Half time for now, with the goal of full time in January or sooner if it works out. I started on Tuesday, September 6th. 

The Unitas mission is to offer safety and security staff to support social service facilities in the GTA & Hamilton. Unitas provides security, support staff, transportation services and personal support workers to agencies serving the community. 

And Unitas achieves a ‘sense of place’ essential to a safe community. We work within our client’s mandate providing support and leverage for their mission. Our clients are often non profit organizations providing housing, health care and social programming. Collectively we focus on people facing issues of homelessness, mental health and addictions. 

I don’t know the whole outcome yet, but I am trusting the One who does, even though I would prefer to have more details up front. The adventure continues. 

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

One thought on “The Start of a New Chapter

  1. Dear Moose… Leaving camp feels like leaving a part of you behind… So thankful that God has opened a new door for you and will be praying as you walk through this chapter. Big hugs

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