Christmas Magic

Christmas NutcrackersThe run up to Christmas means it’s Hallmark and decorating seasons in our house. Hallmark first. 

Wishing for something is just figuring out what your heart really wants. From Hallmark’s Gingerbread Miracle

In the Gingerbread Miracle, when Alex starts baking the gingerbread cookies the magic returns: Gabe receives a hockey scholarship, Sydney is discovered and given an opportunity to pursue photography, and Jake gets to keep his dream bakery. This is after his father’s cookies lose their magic to grant wishes. 

When it comes to decorating, I get to do the outside (lights and nutcrackers) and Elaine does a lot of the inside (trees, garlands and more). I collect nutcrackers (about 45) and Elaine (about 25) collects snow people. All together the decorations make the house feel magical for the holidays.

That got me thinking about other Christmas magic moments. Here are some I have experienced. 

  • Watching my grandkids enjoy GT rides in the snow behind our garden tractor. And every time I stopped the cries were for “more” and “again, again”. 
  • A Hallmark (or other) movie that includes someone who is adopted. Brings up lots of emotions for me. 
  • All my brothers, most of our kids and grandkids getting together for our annual Greenfield Family Christmas.
  • An amazing evening with a group of good friends that we have been cut off from for too long. 
  • A package of gifts for my whole family arrives from my sister in Texas who I have only known for two years. (see adoption for context)
  • The Holiday Ride commercial by Chevrolet. You may need to watch this with a box of tissues. 
  • The Christmas Eve service at church back when we could have candles and light up the room with just the candles. 
  • In 2019 getting two new siblings for Christmas. 
  • Sitting around the Christmas dinner table sharing a meal, life and celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
  • My daughter making me two giant Nutcracker soldiers (pictured in this post). 
  • Watching the wonder in the eyes of my grandkids when opening Christmas gifts! Sometimes the big kids too. 

If someone gave you a magical ginger cookie, what would you wish for? What are/were your magical Christmas moments this season. 

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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