60 and Butter Tarts

11500860!! It’s just a number right? 40 and 50 didn’t really have any effect on me. Sixty feels different. My 60th birthday is April 11, 2023. Next week I become a sexagenarian. I am planning to go for a steak dinner with Elaine that night. My family is coming to celebrate with me on April 23rd. 

I’m expecting some gifts for my birthday, but one I have been waiting about 30 years for, is my 60 butter tarts. Back when my dad turned 60 that’s what Elaine gave him. Naturally I wanted the same, but I had to wait. Today is that day and I can hardly wait to delve into them with a nice black coffee. 

Maybe my feelings are because there is much more life behind me than in front of me. Maybe it’s because in the last few years my health issues have increased and it seems that it will only increase over the coming decades (After all, I’m not planning to die any time soon). Maybe it’s because I don’t feel like a senior. It feels weird even saying it. Maybe it’s because I’m on a journey to change careers when I thought I would be working in Christian camping my whole life. That part of my dream job ended 18 months ago. Today I am working as GM for Unitas Community and Support Services. I am also an independent rep for Primerica Financial Services Canada. 

60 has also brought with it a view that there is an end looming (though not too soon, I hope). Strangely perhaps, I have written notes for both my obituary and my funeral. Naturally, my obituary is written so all my genealogy focused relatives will know just what they need to know. And my funeral, well it’s just ideas for Elaine and the girls as it won’t really matter to me. 

Its the start of a new decade in life. Maybe that’s part of the problem. It’s strange being the same age as “old” people. Though my beard is getting whiter by the year. And I did enjoy a nice discount for the Fergus Scottish Festival this summer. I reckon that’s a perk. 

60 is also a good time to look back, remember and be thankful. I have had opportunities to influence 1000’s of staff, campers, teachers, youth leaders and more in my life so far. I am very thankful for my family, friends, friends who are like family and my experiences. Each has made me into the me I am today. 

After all, I’m entering be entering the “first senior decade”. Age is just a number or at least that’s what we tell ourselves. My number happens to be 60. Onto the next decade and bring on more discounts!

Published by widjimoose

I am the husband of Elaine for 36 years, dad to three girls, grandpa to Olivia, Logan & Liam. A Jesus follower and summer camp guy. I like strong black coffee and blogging is an outlet.

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