Two Pages Back

So many times, Jesus’ disciples didn’t get it. Too often, we don’t either. The disciples had been with Jesus for years and still struggled. They had seen Jesus do SO many extraordinary miracles, giving signs and wonders to the world. This came up in discussion at one of our small group meetings during our devotionalContinue reading “Two Pages Back”

Learning to Live with My MS

This will come as news to some that I have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). To be honest, I’m still adjusting to this new change in my health. It brought up so many feelings (yes, I have them).  In November, I went to see my neurologist and from the last MRI of my back,Continue reading “Learning to Live with My MS”

Build for the Future

There is probably no better or more popular building toy than Lego. It doesn’t matter if you’re 5, 25, 45 or almost 60, almost everyone likes building with those little plastic blocks. And, it endures. The blocks I used as a kid are still in use today. Lego has longevity.  So does a person’s legacy. LegacyContinue reading “Build for the Future”

Discovering My Scottish Roots

I have been tracking my family genealogy back to Scotland, England and Ireland. In the process, I’m discovering fun ways to say things as well as idioms or proverbs. Next is Scotland. Scottish sayings and words, combined with that unmistakable accent, can often make English sound like an entirely different language in Canada. I haveContinue reading “Discovering My Scottish Roots”

Christmas Magic

The run up to Christmas means it’s Hallmark and decorating seasons in our house. Hallmark first.  Wishing for something is just figuring out what your heart really wants. From Hallmark’s Gingerbread Miracle In the Gingerbread Miracle, when Alex starts baking the gingerbread cookies the magic returns: Gabe receives a hockey scholarship, Sydney is discovered and givenContinue reading “Christmas Magic”

You Are Witnesses Against Yourselves!

I’m sure you have hear it said, “people aren’t opposed to Jesus, but to the people who represent him”. The Christian church and it’s people are witnesses against ourselves. Each of us bears this responsibility.  “Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathersContinue reading “You Are Witnesses Against Yourselves!”

World Adoption Day 2022

Today, November 9th is World Adoption Day. Most of you know that I am adopted. I was adopted at the age of 6 months into the Greenfield family. Since last year’s annual adoption day post:  Elaine and I met two of my birth siblings and their spouses in person in Alberta. The picture at rightContinue reading “World Adoption Day 2022”

The Start of a New Chapter

After my job at MBC came to an end last fall, I was uncertain of where God would lead me. I did not anticipate a change of industry from Christian camping to security and support work. God’s timing is not my timing. I went to MBC assuming that I could retire from there and finishContinue reading “The Start of a New Chapter”