Favourite Sounds I Miss From Camp

I haven’t been at camp this summer as my camp was closed and I am currently between opportunities. I recently saw a post in the Summer Camp Pros Facebook group that asked, “In the midst of summer, what is your favorite sound during camp?” I always loved sitting on the back deck of the LonghouseContinue reading “Favourite Sounds I Miss From Camp”

My Health Journey Continues

2022 started a new chapter in my health journey. Or maybe it’s a different continuation of an old path. I had an MRI of my head. One of the pictures is to the right. In brief, right eye problems, lots of tests including heart, an MRI, more doctors and I broke four vertebrae. More testsContinue reading “My Health Journey Continues”

My Adoption & Genealogy

In addition to birth siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles and other relations, I discovered I am related to some famous cousins as I dig into a cool tool on familysearch.org. I have also discover that I have a 4th cousin 1x removed at the end of my own road and had no idea until her brotherContinue reading “My Adoption & Genealogy”

Seeing Past the Curtain

When Elaine and I were in Alberta we, “by chance”, ran into Neil & Sharol Josephson at the Chateau Lake Louise when we decided to tour through the hotel. Or maybe it was a godwink (divine appointment). I worked with Neil and Sharol (with FamilyLife Canada) on the MBC Marriage Getaway retreat. We first metContinue reading “Seeing Past the Curtain”

National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022

Today, June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 in Canada. Learn reflect and engage awareness of the atrocities of the past, that linger. Pause today, it’s good medicine.  The Canadian Native Flag was designed by Kwakwaka’wakw artist Curtis Wilson. His design for the flag is meant to represent First Nations in Canada to the public.Continue reading “National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022”

Friends, Cousins, Sisters & Brothers, Oh My

Elaine and I made an 11 day whirlwind trip to Alberta at the beginning of April. From home to Kitchener to Calgary to Banff to Calgary to Fort Saskatewan to Edmonton to Calgary and back to Kitchener then home. Our rental car was a Dodge Charger, so the driving was fun.  The first weekend wasContinue reading “Friends, Cousins, Sisters & Brothers, Oh My”

Easter Weekend’s Silent Saturday

Good Friday proves the all out, stop at nothing, go all the way to death, unfaltering, persistent, inexhaustible, love of God for us. Yet, sandwiched between the horror of Jesus’ crucifixion and the glory of His resurrection—between the sorrow of Friday and the celebration of Sunday—was “the silence of Saturday.” This was a day whenContinue reading “Easter Weekend’s Silent Saturday”

Discovering My Roots – Ireland

As I have been tracking my family genealogy back to Scotland, England and Ireland. In the process, I’m discovering fun ways to say things as well as idioms or proverbs. We’ll start with Ireland. Irish proverbs or “seanfhocail” are generally clever and concise. A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures.Continue reading “Discovering My Roots – Ireland”

Bridges Are About Connection

Bridges are about connection. They connect one side of a valley, river bed or even a chasm to the other. Often bridges go over a stream or river, train tracks, a road or path. Bridges are cool and made of so many materials. Some are just basic and functional. Many are elaborate, creative and beautiful. Continue reading “Bridges Are About Connection”