Leaning into God

There once was an old deacon who always prayed, “Lord, prop us up on our leanin’ side.” After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently. He answered, “Well sir, you see, it’s like this… I got an old barn out back. It’s been there aContinue reading “Leaning into God”

Always Faithful

Semper Fidelis, which is Latin for “Always Faithful,” or “Always Loyal”. It is the motto of the United States Marine Corps to God, Country & Corps. An eternal and collective commitment to the success of battles, the progress of the USA, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines they fight alongside. “Semper Fi” (asContinue reading “Always Faithful”

A New Fresh Start

2021 was another year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. I’m sure most of us thought we would leave most of the mask wearing and plexiglass behind. Fortunately, we did get a vaccine, but new variants continue to put so much to the test.  EveryContinue reading “A New Fresh Start”

A New Christmas Tradition

This year we added a new Christmas tradition at our Greenfield extended family Christmas party. A hot chocolate bar. Feel free to add your own, but here are the ingredients we used:  Hot chocolate powder (Costco size) Coffee  Cinnamon sticks Candy canes Choc chips: milk choc, mint, white, butterscotch Nutmeg Cinnamon Whipped cream Maraschino cherriesContinue reading “A New Christmas Tradition”

Christmas Cookie Calorie Rules

This seems straight forward. This is not original to me. Christmas cookies have no calories if consumed in the following ways.  If you eat a Christmas cookie fresh out of the oven, it has no calories because everyone knows that the first cookie is the test and thus calorie-free. If you drink a diet sodaContinue reading “Christmas Cookie Calorie Rules”

Never Stop Dating Your Spouse

Never stop dating your spouse! This advice was given to Elaine and I as a young married couple (wish we could remember who). And we have done our best to keep it going and model it to our kids & others. It turns out that people were watching for our social media posts every Tuesday.Continue reading “Never Stop Dating Your Spouse”

Introducing Meandering Moose

Welcome to my new website where I will be blogging, telling stories and sharing ideas. In the past, my blogs have been a mix of summer camp and personal interest stories and articles. I have carried many of those here to this new website. I started blogging as a way to build up the SEOContinue reading “Introducing Meandering Moose”

Moose’s Adoption Journey

World Adoption Day is November 9th. Check out http://www.worldadoptionday.org for more information.  This year was an exciting one on my adoption journey to find my birth families.  My sister Jill came from Texas to visit us in Muskoka. For many that wouldn’t be an unusual thing, though it maybe in Covid times. For me itContinue reading “Moose’s Adoption Journey”

Time to Say Goodbye

It is a sad time for me (Moose). I am saying goodbye to two ministries and a group of people I have come to love and respect. I have packed up my office at MBC, collected a few things from Widji and locked the purple gate for my last time.  The decision has been madeContinue reading “Time to Say Goodbye”