I’m Passionate about Leadership

I’m passionate about leadership. I like being a leader, I like teaching the next generation of leaders and helping them discover their potential. I like working alongside people to create a greater good. I love the opportunity each summer to teach our SALT (Skills And Leadership Training) campers about leadership and teamwork. To be ableContinue reading “I’m Passionate about Leadership”

What Makes Camp Widjiitiwin Unique?

Camp Widjiitiwin – the way camp was meant to be… relational, central, natural, reaching out, a loving community focused on Christ. It’s like coming home. It’s my camp! When camp is over at the end of the summer and the campers and staff all go home it isn’t so much the waterslide, ropes course, gamesContinue reading “What Makes Camp Widjiitiwin Unique?”

Widji Traditions/Culture #4

Theme/Fun Meals One utensil – using any old kitchen cooking utensil available. Campers draw out of a bus bin as they enter the Longhouse. You could end up with a spatula, beater, tongs or something stranger. A pasta meal is one of the funniest to watch for this one. Twins – campers and staff tryContinue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture #4”

Battle Of The Ends!

Imagine your heart is pounding, palms are sweating, you’re cheering so loud it hurts, you’re staring down your competition and the sound of fierce excitement stings your ears. You can’t sit still, you’re anxious to win, you fight to win, you must win. THIS, is the Battle of the Ends. Here at Camp Widjiitiwin weContinue reading “Battle Of The Ends!”

Why Widjiitiwin?

Guest Blog by Mozi I often get asked, why did I every start coming to a small camp like Widjiitiwin, and what is it that keeps bringing me back?    For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Mozi, (not to be mistaken with Aussie, Mossy or any other interpretation) I’m from aContinue reading “Why Widjiitiwin?”

Widji Traditions/Culture #3

Cabin Special – Every Thursday afternoon the cabin leaders have the opportunity to do something special with just their cabin. It ranges from our regular camp activities to cliff jumping, an afternoon at the beach, etc. It amazes me that the cabin leaders leave it to the last minute to plan on Thursday at lunch.Continue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture #3”

Widji Traditions/Culture # 2

Fruit Social – Each week we have Blast or Sizzle camps we have a Fruit Social. After chapel the kitchen staff lays out large trays of fruit for Sunday night snack. While that happens the campers and staff go down to their cabins to get “ready”. The sound guys and program staff set up theContinue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture # 2”