Widji Traditions/Culture # 1

Named Meals – Sub Sunday, Taco Tuesday, Waffle Wednesday and French Toast Fridays, I tried to change some of these my first summer to great resistance. I did manage to add diced chicken to the Taco Tuesday meal, but the rest are well intact. Morning Monkeys – each morning before breakfast 1 boy’s cabin andContinue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture # 1”

Grandpa’s Tools

Recently I was cutting down a few in the way and dead trees in my back yard. It was good hard work. At one point I went to the shed and grabbed a cant hook (a tool for rolling over logs). It belonged to my Grandpa Greenfield and reminds me of him every time IContinue reading “Grandpa’s Tools”

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

Hebrews 12:1-3 – Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy setContinue reading “A Great Cloud of Witnesses”

A Camp for Generations

By guest blogger Sue Wigston… 35 years.  It’s incredible how much has changed and how much has stayed the same!  35 years ago, I spent my first week at Widjiitiwin as a camper. My parents would send me for one week, and I would save for the entire year to be able to stay forContinue reading “A Camp for Generations”

Behind the BIG Desk

Besides being the director of CampWidjiitiwin, I’m the dad of three girls, an old school cowboy like The Man From Snowy River. I like my coffee black in a big mug. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite cereal is Frosted Flakes. I do woodworking as a hobby and love to add new sections toContinue reading “Behind the BIG Desk”


The Longhouse has finally emerged from the depths of northern snow – Aslan must be on the move!  For those special few who have dedicated not only their summers but also their two months of spring, this snowlessness will soon mean time for leaf-blowing, grass-cutting, re-painting, equipment-fixing, program-planning, kitchen-scrubbing and perhaps even taste-testing some ofContinue reading “Spring!”