A New Fresh Start

2021 was another year for the history books. And not one I’m sure any of us wants to repeat it. I’m sure most of us thought we would leave most of the mask wearing and plexiglass behind. Fortunately, we did get a vaccine, but new variants continue to put so much to the test.  EveryContinue reading “A New Fresh Start”

A New Christmas Tradition

This year we added a new Christmas tradition at our Greenfield extended family Christmas party. A hot chocolate bar. Feel free to add your own, but here are the ingredients we used:  Hot chocolate powder (Costco size) Coffee  Cinnamon sticks Candy canes Choc chips: milk choc, mint, white, butterscotch Nutmeg Cinnamon Whipped cream Maraschino cherriesContinue reading “A New Christmas Tradition”

Christmas Cookie Calorie Rules

This seems straight forward. This is not original to me. Christmas cookies have no calories if consumed in the following ways.  If you eat a Christmas cookie fresh out of the oven, it has no calories because everyone knows that the first cookie is the test and thus calorie-free. If you drink a diet sodaContinue reading “Christmas Cookie Calorie Rules”

Moose’s Adoption Journey

World Adoption Day is November 9th. Check out http://www.worldadoptionday.org for more information.  This year was an exciting one on my adoption journey to find my birth families.  My sister Jill came from Texas to visit us in Muskoka. For many that wouldn’t be an unusual thing, though it maybe in Covid times. For me itContinue reading “Moose’s Adoption Journey”

Time to Say Goodbye

It is a sad time for me (Moose). I am saying goodbye to two ministries and a group of people I have come to love and respect. I have packed up my office at MBC, collected a few things from Widji and locked the purple gate for my last time.  The decision has been madeContinue reading “Time to Say Goodbye”

Cairns – Showing the Way

Cairns (pronounced, like “karen” but in one syllable and think Scottish while you say it) are the way-finding rock-piles that help guide people when there were no trees around to post trail-markers. If you’ve never seen or heard of cairns, they are essentially a navigation tool first used by Vikings in Iceland to mark trailsContinue reading “Cairns – Showing the Way”

The Legend of Smokey Hollow

The camp I grew up at was Camp Ambassador near Owen Sound.  There was an old story we told the campers during sleep outs called, The Legend of Smokey Hollow. Campers rode out to the Hollow on a wagon ride with evening snacks and food for breakfast (driven by Burt Elliott, the best wagon rideContinue reading “The Legend of Smokey Hollow”

I Don’t Know Much, But This Much I Do

I will start by saying, “I’m not much for musical movies”. But I wanted to see this one because it was about camp; and a Christian camp at that on Netflix. The movie is “A Week Away“.  Movie description: Nowhere left to go, Will Hawkins finds himself at camp for the first time. His instinctContinue reading “I Don’t Know Much, But This Much I Do”

Home Plate

“17 INCHES” by Chris Sperry, Baseball/Life   Twenty years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, during the first week of January 1996, more than 4,000 baseball coaches descended upon the Opryland Hotel for the 52nd annual ABCA’s convention.   While I waited in line to register with the hotel staff, I heard other more veteran coaches rumblingContinue reading “Home Plate”

Back to School Tips

Summer has come to a close, let the transition to school begin. TODAY! Here are some “TIPS” that are collected from teachers and education experts that your family might find helpful. 1. Summer programs teach kids that taking care of themselves leads to success. Keep that going! Ensure your child is getting enough sleep, eatingContinue reading “Back to School Tips”