The Journey Makes Us Who We Are

J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, “Not all those who wander are lost.” in The Fellowship of the Ring. We’re all on a journey in our personal lives and that includes our journey to or away from God.  Here are a few with incredible stories of resilience. I’ll start with Frodo and Sam as they approach Mount DoomContinue reading “The Journey Makes Us Who We Are”

Digital Detox

In the movie “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner, Archie “Moonlight” Graham says, “We just don’t recognize life’s most significant moments while they’re happening.” That is so true if we’re not paying attention and focused on what is happening in front of us.  At her wedding, my daughter Nicole insisted that we all put ourContinue reading “Digital Detox”

When I Get to Heaven

How many times have you heard someone say, “When I get to heaven…” and then they go on and on saying what they’re going to do  or who they’re going to see or ALL the questions they plan to ask God. There are dozens of songs about it too. I think the focus will notContinue reading “When I Get to Heaven”

The Old Testament Shadow of Jesus Christ

The first (or old) testament points to Jesus in the new testament, while the new testament and life today point to eternity.  Everything before Jesus points to him. Jesus was the perfect representation of the Father. The old testament was a shadow of what was to come in Jesus Christ. Jesus was the fulfillment ofContinue reading “The Old Testament Shadow of Jesus Christ”

The Sleeping Disciples

The sleeping disciples; read Matthew 26:36-46 (below) for full details, but here is my summary. Following the last supper, Jesus took his disciples to the garden of Gethsemane, where he went to pray. Three times he went a little way from them to pray. Each time Jesus came back from praying, he found the disciplesContinue reading “The Sleeping Disciples”

God Help Us

Re-blog from Dan Bolin, Refueling in Flight Ministries A cadre of young children gathered sticks and branches to construct a fortress along a stream that meanders through a park near our home. A strong wind could have toppled the structure but for the children, it was their safe and secure hiding place. We all longContinue reading “God Help Us”

The Greatest Of These Is Love

Love is much more than an emotion. It is an action, a decision, a choice, a verb and a commitment. We would have a healthier conception of love if we understood that love, like parenting or friendship, is a feeling that expresses itself in action. To love is to feel and act lovingly.  “A newContinue reading “The Greatest Of These Is Love”

Divine Coincidence; a Godwink

Those moments when things just seem to happen in the right way while we know that God is orchestrating the details. The Cambridge Dictionary defines coincidence as: an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time, especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising.  I have also heard it calledContinue reading “Divine Coincidence; a Godwink”

Jesus Loved the 215

Every year for National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada, I write a blog based on Widjiitiwin being an Ojibwe word meaning fellowship. There is such rich heritage in the teachings of our indigenous peoples. This year what stands out so clearly is the injustice of the discovery of 215 children buried in a mass graveContinue reading “Jesus Loved the 215”

Father’s Day – Sunday, June 20

I’m quite certain that I didn’t I fully understood my Dad until our first child was born… but in that moment, I realized my Dad had spent my entire life protecting me, providing for me, teaching me, guiding me, exposing me to different experiences, people, places and the world. We did things together, made things,Continue reading “Father’s Day – Sunday, June 20”