What Do We Really Do All Year At Camp?

For camp directors, late June, July and August are hectic, exciting, fun-filled and challenging months. So what do we do the rest of the year? The question should be: What don’t we do? Camp directors work as hard in the “off-season” as they do during the actual camp sessions. Some of it is visible to campers, parentsContinue reading “What Do We Really Do All Year At Camp?”

Questions to Ask Your Child on the Way Home from Widji

After an amazing week at Widjiitiwin, it’s likely that your camper will be bursting to the seams with fun stories, great songs, and wishes to return to camp ASAP.  The drive home from camp can be a perfect time to reconnect with your child after a week apart. If your child isn’t sleeping on the wayContinue reading “Questions to Ask Your Child on the Way Home from Widji”

Widji Camp Pastors 2018

Every summer at Camp Widjiitiwin we have an excellent group of summer camp pastors who each give a week of their time to be at camp to teach the Bible to campers and staff. We highly value the time these men invest into teaching God’s Word, the staff and campers. They teach at chapels eachContinue reading “Widji Camp Pastors 2018”

Camp Pastors 2017

Every summer at Widjiitiwin we have an excellent group of summer camp pastors who each give a week of their time to be at camp to teach the Bible to campers and staff. We highly value the time these men invest into teaching God’s Word, the staff and campers. Our camp pastors for #Widji17 are:Continue reading “Camp Pastors 2017”

A Day in the Life of a Widji Camper

Ever wondered what it’s like to be at Widji for a day? Here’s our daily schedule.  7:00 – Staff prayer 7:30 – Wake up and get ready for the day 8:00 – Morning Monkeys & A Wise Person Once Said 8:15 – Breakfast (includes daily devo by our camp pastor) 8:45 – Cabin Clean-up 9:00 –Continue reading “A Day in the Life of a Widji Camper”

Camp Pastors 2016

Every summer at Widjiitiwin we have an excellent group of summer camp pastors who each give a week of their time to be at camp to teach the Bible to campers and staff. We highly value the time these men invest into teaching God’s Word, the staff and campers. Our camp pastors for #Widji16 are:Continue reading “Camp Pastors 2016”

Words are Jems by Spokes

Talk doesn’t have to be cheap. In fact words should be considered expensive. Gems to be doled out carefully, thoughtfully considering how and where they land. Talk is cheapened when our actions don’t represent our words helping others to quickly conclude: 1. We didn’t really mean it 2. We don’t really think of or considerContinue reading “Words are Jems by Spokes”

Widji Traditions/Culture #3

Cabin Special – Every Thursday afternoon the cabin leaders have the opportunity to do something special with just their cabin. It ranges from our regular camp activities to cliff jumping, an afternoon at the beach, etc. It amazes me that the cabin leaders leave it to the last minute to plan on Thursday at lunch.Continue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture #3”