Christmas Magic

The run up to Christmas means it’s Hallmark and decorating seasons in our house. Hallmark first.  Wishing for something is just figuring out what your heart really wants. From Hallmark’s Gingerbread Miracle In the Gingerbread Miracle, when Alex starts baking the gingerbread cookies the magic returns: Gabe receives a hockey scholarship, Sydney is discovered and givenContinue reading “Christmas Magic”

A New Christmas Tradition

This year we added a new Christmas tradition at our Greenfield extended family Christmas party. A hot chocolate bar. Feel free to add your own, but here are the ingredients we used:  Hot chocolate powder (Costco size) Coffee  Cinnamon sticks Candy canes Choc chips: milk choc, mint, white, butterscotch Nutmeg Cinnamon Whipped cream Maraschino cherriesContinue reading “A New Christmas Tradition”

Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas

As a kid I grew up in a main line denomination and I still remember some of the liturgical portions of those church services. I also remember that there were seasons marked out on our church calendar. Lent and Advent are two prominent ones I remember. As we approach Christmas this year, let’s talk aboutContinue reading “Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas”

For Unto Us a Child is Born

Once again the Christmas season is upon us and the craziness and chaos that goes along with it will continue for about another three weeks. If watching Hallmark movies with my wife in December has taught me anything it is that there are a lot of “Christmas miracles”.  One dictionary defines a miracle as “aContinue reading “For Unto Us a Child is Born”

Traditions are the Stories that Families Write Together

Traditions are the stories that families write together. This is a line from a Christmas movie (Reunited At Christmas – Hallmark Channel) that a grandma speaks to her young granddaughter as she shares the cherished Christmas star that has been passed down for generations and sits atop the family Christmas tree. We have some thingsContinue reading “Traditions are the Stories that Families Write Together”

Christmas Morning Traditions

What are your Christmas morning traditions? Our (Moose & Mumz) traditions are a collection from my family and Elaine’s. Christmas stockings get opened before breakfast and all at once. There is a small hammer that always ends up in my stocking that has been wrapped and re-wrapped many times. Then for a quick breakfast. We haveContinue reading “Christmas Morning Traditions”

Mary Did You Know?

Guest blog by Nicole Rose Ankenmann Thinking about Jesus’ momma tonight. We celebrate four weeks of #advent these days, but she had roughly forty weeks to anticipate the Messiah’s birth — to fret over the growing infant, to think about their future family, to wonder how long she’d be permitted to keep him. I suspectContinue reading “Mary Did You Know?”

A Leader’s Loyalty

Guest Blog by Heyoo While watching the holiday classic White Christmas I was reminded of one of the common behaviours of a good leader. There is a scene in the film where Danny Kaye’s character is tasked with keeping the General from seeing his partner’s (Bing Crosby’s) announcement on the Ed Sullivan show. This isContinue reading “A Leader’s Loyalty”

What Do You Want For Christmas?

by Julie Leis For Noah, Caitlin and Gabriel My children ask each year the same question. After thinking about it, I decided I’d give them my real answer: What do I want for Christmas? I want you. I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your kids around (when you areContinue reading “What Do You Want For Christmas?”

A Christmas Confession

I have a “Christmas confession“. This will be hard for some of you to hear and many people won’t understand, but that’s okay. This has been a problem for some years now, at least back to my teens. I need to get this off my chest; so here goes… I really like fruit cake!! IContinue reading “A Christmas Confession”