What Would First Century Christians Say About the Church Today?

After the stoning of Stephen (the first Christian martyr), Acts 8:1 goes on to explain that “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria”. When persecution (v.4) broke out, “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever theyContinue reading “What Would First Century Christians Say About the Church Today?”

Give Thanks for the Gifts of God

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change – James 1:17. What are you thankful for this year? Here’s my list. 

Christ is Enough. Really?

The leadership team and board at MBC have been working at refining our vision, mission and core values these past few years. One of the results of this effort has been a reinforcement of the core values that will drive our ministry. These core values are also the basic principles that will guide our contentContinue reading “Christ is Enough. Really?”

Thanksgiving 2018

This coming weekend we have Thanksgiving in Canada. It’s the one day or weekend we pause long enough to remember all the things we are thankful for. It seems obvious that we should be thankful more than just one day a year. And we are. We give thank for meals, we thank people for holdingContinue reading “Thanksgiving 2018”

Thanksgiving Should Be More Than A Weekend

This past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada. It is often about family and friends getting together. It’s the one day or weekend we pause long enough to remember all the things we are thankful for. It seems obvious that we should be thankful more than just one day a year. And we are. We giveContinue reading “Thanksgiving Should Be More Than A Weekend”

Back 2 School They GO…

Pray as our campers and staff as they go back to school today! The next few weeks are full of some very important transitions and developments. Pray for .. Youth who are making the transition into high school Children and youth who know the Lord to resist negative peer pressure to have strength and peace inContinue reading “Back 2 School They GO…”

Too Many Chorus Repeats

Wrong. You have the wrong attitude. It’s not about you. It’s about God and your worship of Him. And clearly He deserves all our praises. The angels never get tired or bored of worshiping or praising God, never sick of the words, never! We sing hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah and we don’t like it and some people even stopContinue reading “Too Many Chorus Repeats”

Good Friday – The Death of Jesus

Part 5: The Death of Jesus Two aspects of Jesus’ death have been the source of great controversy, namely, the nature of the wound in his side and the cause of his death after only several hours on the cross. The gospel of John describes the piercing of Jesus’ side and emphasizes the sudden flowContinue reading “Good Friday – The Death of Jesus”

Good Friday – The Scourging of Jesus

Part 4: Scourging of Jesus At the Praetorium, Jesus was severely whipped. (Although the severity of the scourging is not discussed in the four Gospel accounts, it is implied in one of the epistles (1 Peter 2:24). A detailed word study of the ancient Greek text for this verse indicates that the scourging of Jesus wasContinue reading “Good Friday – The Scourging of Jesus”

Good Friday – Medical Aspects of Crucifixion

Part 3: Medical Aspects of Crucifixion With a knowledge of both anatomy and ancient crucifixion practices, one may reconstruct the probable medical aspects of this form of slow execution. Each wound apparently was intended to produce intense agony, and the contributing causes of death were numerous. The scourging prior to crucifixion served to weaken the condemnedContinue reading “Good Friday – Medical Aspects of Crucifixion”