Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People

What if you could be the pitcher that fills up the cups or glasses of half full people? How could we do that? What would it look like? Is the group you hang out with better or worse for you being in it? Is the room better or worse for you being in it? OrContinue reading “Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People”

Boxing Day What?

Today is boxing day. Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other Commonwealth countries since 1871 under Queen Victoria.  Some suggest it’s a day to box up old toys or clothes. There isn’t actually a boxing match, but it gives us the chance to take part in the post-Christmas sales andContinue reading “Boxing Day What?”

Oh Bother

What’s the word or phrase that you say SO often that people notice and comment about? My wife pointed out recently that I’m saying “oh bother” a lot recently. I don’t mean to be quoting Winnie the Pooh, it just comes out. I don’t really know why. A number of years ago it was the word, “indeed”.Continue reading “Oh Bother”

Why we do themes at Widji!

Camp themes add to the magic of the camp experience! Themes make Camp Widjiitiwin special – themes encourage camp spirit, generate excitement, themes are engaging and entertaining, and offer campers something to look forward to. Camp themes should create an ambiance and a visual presence. Campers will often choose their week at Widji based on our themes. Continue reading “Why we do themes at Widji!”

Widji Traditions/Culture #4

Theme/Fun Meals One utensil – using any old kitchen cooking utensil available. Campers draw out of a bus bin as they enter the Longhouse. You could end up with a spatula, beater, tongs or something stranger. A pasta meal is one of the funniest to watch for this one. Twins – campers and staff tryContinue reading “Widji Traditions/Culture #4”