Doer Means MORE Than Do

You’ve heard it before. You’ve maybe even said it to others. But have YOU taken theses words to heart? James says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”. Becoming a doer, contains more than just the meaning of doing. Becoming a doer includes mean becoming being a poet, an artist,Continue reading “Doer Means MORE Than Do”

The Thrill of Watching the Underdog

David against Goliath. Frodo Versus the dark lord Sauron. The Tortoise and the Hare. People love the underdog stories, but nobody wants to be the underdog. Why is it that people are fascinated by characters and stories that overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, but when faced with daily challenges, that seem insurmountable, the human instinct isContinue reading “The Thrill of Watching the Underdog”