Two Pages Back

So many times, Jesus’ disciples didn’t get it. Too often, we don’t either. The disciples had been with Jesus for years and still struggled. They had seen Jesus do SO many extraordinary miracles, giving signs and wonders to the world. This came up in discussion at one of our small group meetings during our devotionalContinue reading “Two Pages Back”

Enamoured by Current Culture?

Don’t be enamoured by the current culture. This feels a lot like the issues the church is facing today. We seem to want to be so close to what the world does without crossing whatever the line is at the time. Have we forgotten what the standard is for the Christian life? I don’t meanContinue reading “Enamoured by Current Culture?”

Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas

As a kid I grew up in a main line denomination and I still remember some of the liturgical portions of those church services. I also remember that there were seasons marked out on our church calendar. Lent and Advent are two prominent ones I remember. As we approach Christmas this year, let’s talk aboutContinue reading “Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas”

Doer Means MORE Than Do

You’ve heard it before. You’ve maybe even said it to others. But have YOU taken theses words to heart? James says, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves”. Becoming a doer, contains more than just the meaning of doing. Becoming a doer includes mean becoming being a poet, an artist,Continue reading “Doer Means MORE Than Do”

Highs, Lows and Plateaus

We’ve all gone through highs, lows and plateaus in our spiritual lives. Sometimes all in the same week. The highs of a well lead Bible study or an amazing service of praise to God or knowing you have had influence in someone becoming a Christian. The lows of pain or illness or hurt or injusticeContinue reading “Highs, Lows and Plateaus”

What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray

What to pray when you don’t know what to pray. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. Just let it out to God. He understands. You can talk to God, yell at Him, cry, scream until you’re hoarse, argue (not usually successfully) or even be silent. He knows, He understands, He loves you!!  Jesus has been through allContinue reading “What to Pray When You Don’t Know What to Pray”

The Greatest Gift

As Thanksgiving approaches, we often pause to think about the things and people we are grateful for. It cased me to wonder, “What is the greatest gift you have ever received?”. I have a few that come to my mind.  Life by my birth mother, though she could have chosen abortion Being adopted at 6Continue reading “The Greatest Gift”

Our Spiritual Battle

The spiritual battle we fight was initiated by two races created by God – angels and humans. Ephesians 6:10-12 – Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For weContinue reading “Our Spiritual Battle”

It’s Been Quite a Ride; a Moose Health Update

Many of you are aware of my health journey over the last 5-7 years! My health continued to get worse from 2012 until I was forced to take sick leave for the summer of 2017 (July through September). I honestly remember very little of May or June that year either. It took a lot forContinue reading “It’s Been Quite a Ride; a Moose Health Update”

So We Went to a Marriage Conference & We Need To Talk

On the first weekend of April my wife Elaine and I attended a marriage conference hosted by FamilyLife Canada at the Fairmont Mont-Tremblant. We drove 6 hours to get there and once we settled in to a great king sized room, we went exploring. The hotel was a little out of our league. It wasContinue reading “So We Went to a Marriage Conference & We Need To Talk”