The Gospel: This I Believe

What exactly is it that we are to believe? This blog is formed from excerpts from a sermon by Darrell Baker from Faith Baptist Church, Huntsville, ON Canada The obvious answer is to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. But when you dig deeper into that phrase you understand that Paul implies much more thanContinue reading “The Gospel: This I Believe”

Widji Camp Pastors 2018

Every summer at Camp Widjiitiwin we have an excellent group of summer camp pastors who each give a week of their time to be at camp to teach the Bible to campers and staff. We highly value the time these men invest into teaching God’s Word, the staff and campers. They teach at chapels eachContinue reading “Widji Camp Pastors 2018”

Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018

New Years Day has just past. I usually don’t make resolutions, mostly because I can’t or won’t keep them. As a result of our small group working through the series “Guardrails” by Andy Stanley from North Point Church, I have decided I need to create a set of guardrails as my New Year’s resolution? GuardrailContinue reading “Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018”

What Do You Want For Christmas?

by Julie Leis For Noah, Caitlin and Gabriel My children ask each year the same question. After thinking about it, I decided I’d give them my real answer: What do I want for Christmas? I want you. I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your kids around (when you areContinue reading “What Do You Want For Christmas?”

Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?

Marriage isn’t the paper. It’s not the rings or the ceremony either. It’s the relationship of husband and wife each giving 100% of themselves to make it the best relationship they have. It’s hard work and commitment. It’s about love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith. Tom Selleck (Blue Bloods, Magnum P.I.) says, “Jillie andContinue reading “Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?”

Oh Bother

What’s the word or phrase that you say SO often that people notice and comment about? My wife pointed out recently that I’m saying “oh bother” a lot recently. I don’t mean to be quoting Winnie the Pooh, it just comes out. I don’t really know why. A number of years ago it was the word, “indeed”.Continue reading “Oh Bother”

The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions

Even I have to admit that the title of this blog is quite a claim. And that’s true. But hopefully it caught your attention enough to read further. I hope you will find some insight to help your walk with Jesus. So, here’s my list: Do them. It seems like a simple idea, but sometimesContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions”

Too Many Chorus Repeats

Wrong. You have the wrong attitude. It’s not about you. It’s about God and your worship of Him. And clearly He deserves all our praises. The angels never get tired or bored of worshiping or praising God, never sick of the words, never! We sing hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah and we don’t like it and some people even stopContinue reading “Too Many Chorus Repeats”

Without Faith, Nothing Fun Happens

If you take faith out of the Bible, nothing FUN happens!! Hebrews 11 is often called the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Theses are stories of remarkable men and women whose stories stand out to encourage and challenge our faith. Moses never would have talked to Pharaoh or parted the Red Sea Joshua never would have walked around JerichoContinue reading “Without Faith, Nothing Fun Happens”