It’s Been Quite a Ride; a Moose Health Update

Many of you are aware of my health journey over the last 5-7 years! My health continued to get worse from 2012 until I was forced to take sick leave for the summer of 2017 (July through September). I honestly remember very little of May or June that year either. It took a lot forContinue reading “It’s Been Quite a Ride; a Moose Health Update”

So We Went to a Marriage Conference & We Need To Talk

On the first weekend of April my wife Elaine and I attended a marriage conference hosted by FamilyLife Canada at the Fairmont Mont-Tremblant. We drove 6 hours to get there and once we settled in to a great king sized room, we went exploring. The hotel was a little out of our league. It wasContinue reading “So We Went to a Marriage Conference & We Need To Talk”

Traditions are the Stories that Families Write Together

Traditions are the stories that families write together. This is a line from a Christmas movie (Reunited At Christmas – Hallmark Channel) that a grandma speaks to her young granddaughter as she shares the cherished Christmas star that has been passed down for generations and sits atop the family Christmas tree. We have some thingsContinue reading “Traditions are the Stories that Families Write Together”

Christmas Morning Traditions

What are your Christmas morning traditions? Our (Moose & Mumz) traditions are a collection from my family and Elaine’s. Christmas stockings get opened before breakfast and all at once. There is a small hammer that always ends up in my stocking that has been wrapped and re-wrapped many times. Then for a quick breakfast. We haveContinue reading “Christmas Morning Traditions”

Mary Did You Know?

Guest blog by Nicole Rose Ankenmann Thinking about Jesus’ momma tonight. We celebrate four weeks of #advent these days, but she had roughly forty weeks to anticipate the Messiah’s birth — to fret over the growing infant, to think about their future family, to wonder how long she’d be permitted to keep him. I suspectContinue reading “Mary Did You Know?”

He Would Be 16, But I’m 55

He Would Be Sixteen (actually, I’m 55), but it’s the title of a song about adoption by Michelle Wright. The lyrics are below.  November 9, 2018 was World Adoption Day. This has become an annual blog for me. Check out the other two at World Adoption Day and Jesus was Adopted. Also check out I wasContinue reading “He Would Be 16, But I’m 55”

Thanksgiving 2018

This coming weekend we have Thanksgiving in Canada. It’s the one day or weekend we pause long enough to remember all the things we are thankful for. It seems obvious that we should be thankful more than just one day a year. And we are. We give thank for meals, we thank people for holdingContinue reading “Thanksgiving 2018”

Why Widjiitiwin?

Why Widji is a great question. Why not? Or why not another place or job? I’ve always said whatever job I had needed to have a greater purpose. Maybe you’re like that too. Widji does!!  In some ways we all have our own reason for coming to camp. Some grew up here a week atContinue reading “Why Widjiitiwin?”

What Do You Want For Christmas?

by Julie Leis For Noah, Caitlin and Gabriel My children ask each year the same question. After thinking about it, I decided I’d give them my real answer: What do I want for Christmas? I want you. I want you to keep coming around, I want you to bring your kids around (when you areContinue reading “What Do You Want For Christmas?”

A Christmas Confession

I have a “Christmas confession“. This will be hard for some of you to hear and many people won’t understand, but that’s okay. This has been a problem for some years now, at least back to my teens. I need to get this off my chest; so here goes… I really like fruit cake!! IContinue reading “A Christmas Confession”