World Adoption Day

November 9th was World Adoption Day! Check out I was adopted at six months of age. I have had several discussions about the area of being adopted as a child. I have never met my birth parents, but I know some non-identifying information about them like height, hair colour, my birth father worked with hisContinue reading “World Adoption Day”

Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?

Marriage isn’t the paper. It’s not the rings or the ceremony either. It’s the relationship of husband and wife each giving 100% of themselves to make it the best relationship they have. It’s hard work and commitment. It’s about love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith. Tom Selleck (Blue Bloods, Magnum P.I.) says, “Jillie andContinue reading “Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?”

Thanksgiving Should Be More Than A Weekend

This past weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada. It is often about family and friends getting together. It’s the one day or weekend we pause long enough to remember all the things we are thankful for. It seems obvious that we should be thankful more than just one day a year. And we are. We giveContinue reading “Thanksgiving Should Be More Than A Weekend”

Jesus was Adopted!!

Jesus was adopted. I hadn’t ever thought of it that way before. That’s so cool! I was adopted too. Coming into the Christmas season, one of the sermons @ Faith Muskoka caught my attention in a special way. Pastor Darrell was talking about Joseph and the role he has in the Christmas story and inContinue reading “Jesus was Adopted!!”

If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be?

If you could spend a day with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Here are a few suggestions I thought of: Jesus, a prime minister or president, a famous actor or musician/composer or author, the guys who walked the Emmaus road with Jesus (Luke 24:13-35), Moses or Joseph or Joshua or David orContinue reading “If you could spend a day with anyone, who would it be?”

Scripture Cake

I recently inherited my grandmother’s recipe box. It includes 100’s of recipes, some from people I remember hearing about in my childhood. I went through it eagerly to discover something new. I pulled out 33 to try and passed on the box to my daughter Nicole, who is thrilled to treasure them too. One recipe stoodContinue reading “Scripture Cake”

Relationships Take Work

It’s all about relationships and they take hard work, sometimes a lot of it. And persistence and character and love and grace and mercy! 1. Elaine and I set aside Tuesday’s all summer as our joint day off. We try to get a way from camp, although my cell phone does go with me. WeContinue reading “Relationships Take Work”

We are the Reason for the Season

Jesus was born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago, a fact that Christians celebrate at Christmas time. No doubt most of us are already preparing for family, friends and other guests to arrive in a week or so.  However, Jesus came to earth for more than Christmas, for more than gifts and generosity, for more than bigContinue reading “We are the Reason for the Season”


What are you thankful for? Here’s my list.  God; for salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, for the Holy Spirit for daily guidance.  God is good: it’s his character; that which disposes him to be kind, full of good will, benevolent, gracious, slow to anger, inclined to bestow blessings, the happiness of hisContinue reading “Thanksgiving”