Bridges Are About Connection

Bridges are about connection. They connect one side of a valley, river bed or even a chasm to the other. Often bridges go over a stream or river, train tracks, a road or path. Bridges are cool and made of so many materials. Some are just basic and functional. Many are elaborate, creative and beautiful. Continue reading “Bridges Are About Connection”

Days Without Sin: 0

I heard a story recently of a Christian man in Brazil who determined he was going to stop sinning. An excellent goal to be sure and something for which we should all strive. He tried and tried and started to eliminate some sins. He had to get away from the distractions in his life, soContinue reading “Days Without Sin: 0”

Rock Picking & Forgiveness

When I worked at Camp Ambassador in the spring of 1982, I had to pick rocks from the fields before planting the grains of oats and wheat that would feed the horses over the winter. Once the rocks were picked up and tossed onto the hay wagon or stone boat, we would be dump themContinue reading “Rock Picking & Forgiveness”