World Adoption Day 2022

Today, November 9th is World Adoption Day. Most of you know that I am adopted. I was adopted at the age of 6 months into the Greenfield family. Since last year’s annual adoption day post:  Elaine and I met two of my birth siblings and their spouses in person in Alberta. The picture at rightContinue reading “World Adoption Day 2022”

Friends, Cousins, Sisters & Brothers, Oh My

Elaine and I made an 11 day whirlwind trip to Alberta at the beginning of April. From home to Kitchener to Calgary to Banff to Calgary to Fort Saskatewan to Edmonton to Calgary and back to Kitchener then home. Our rental car was a Dodge Charger, so the driving was fun.  The first weekend wasContinue reading “Friends, Cousins, Sisters & Brothers, Oh My”

Discovering My Roots – Ireland

As I have been tracking my family genealogy back to Scotland, England and Ireland. In the process, I’m discovering fun ways to say things as well as idioms or proverbs. We’ll start with Ireland. Irish proverbs or “seanfhocail” are generally clever and concise. A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures.Continue reading “Discovering My Roots – Ireland”