May Truth & Grace Reside Here

This quote is from a Hallmark Christmas movie, Engaging Father Christmas. They unearth this phrase from beneath wallpaper and discover the roots of the family who owned the cottage. I confess that my wife and I watch a LOT of Hallmark movies leading up to Christmas. There’s always a good message to them. I wasContinue reading “May Truth & Grace Reside Here”

God’s Goodness in Pain & Suffering

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28  This verse doesn’t mean all things will be good. No matter how rose-colored our glasses are, there’s nothing good about cancer, sex trafficking, the Covid-19 pandemic, or death. Until JesusContinue reading “God’s Goodness in Pain & Suffering”

Days Without Sin: 0

I heard a story recently of a Christian man in Brazil who determined he was going to stop sinning. An excellent goal to be sure and something for which we should all strive. He tried and tried and started to eliminate some sins. He had to get away from the distractions in his life, soContinue reading “Days Without Sin: 0”