Starting a New Decade…

What does it all mean to start a new decade? A look forward and a look back. What are the things you most remember about 2019? The special days, special events and special people (kids, grand-kids, parents, friends, etc.). What are the things you most look forward to in 2020? Some goal setting? Make someContinue reading “Starting a New Decade…”

Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018

New Years Day has just past. I usually don’t make resolutions, mostly because I can’t or won’t keep them. As a result of our small group working through the series “Guardrails” by Andy Stanley from North Point Church, I have decided I need to create a set of guardrails as my New Year’s resolution? GuardrailContinue reading “Be It Resolved… Welcome to 2018”

Mom’s Christmas Letter

Mom’s Christmas letter arrived this week. When the Christmas letter from my parents arrives, its always fun. First I have to see how many pages it is. I think six is the most I’ve seen. This year it’s just one page, double sided. Mom must be slipping. Then I have to see how many timesContinue reading “Mom’s Christmas Letter”