Staffing, How Widji Builds its Team

As any manager knows, building a team and hiring staff every year can be exhausting work. There are countless models to follow, and countless considerations that can pile up and, if not careful, overwhelm a person with decisions. To give an idea of what hiring looks like for this organization, here’s a couple of numbers:Continue reading “Staffing, How Widji Builds its Team”

The Thrill of Watching the Underdog

David against Goliath. Frodo Versus the dark lord Sauron. The Tortoise and the Hare. People love the underdog stories, but nobody wants to be the underdog. Why is it that people are fascinated by characters and stories that overcome seemingly insurmountable odds, but when faced with daily challenges, that seem insurmountable, the human instinct isContinue reading “The Thrill of Watching the Underdog”

Reflections on Widji Summer 2018

Here are some of the great things to celebrate as we have been blessed at Widji this past summer. 42 decisions for Christ 84 Bibles given out Full leadership team with age & maturity (8+ staff over 20) During Royal City’s week alone, 27 bibles were given out This summer we had 328 campers plus 26Continue reading “Reflections on Widji Summer 2018”

Changes Are Coming

It’s said that the only person who likes change is a baby. At Muskoka Bible Centre & Camp Widjiitiwin we believe that, as we set our sights on our 2020 vision, we needed update our organizational structure to be ready for more ministry opportunities. The new changes will be effective February 1, 2018.  Moose will be onContinue reading “Changes Are Coming”

A Leader’s Loyalty

Guest Blog by Heyoo While watching the holiday classic White Christmas I was reminded of one of the common behaviours of a good leader. There is a scene in the film where Danny Kaye’s character is tasked with keeping the General from seeing his partner’s (Bing Crosby’s) announcement on the Ed Sullivan show. This isContinue reading “A Leader’s Loyalty”

Cool Facts about #Widji17

Despite troubling events at the start of the summer, 2017 was simply epic. Our Camp Director, Moose, went on an unplanned sick-leave, and it takes a toll on staff to not only recover from losing the direct input of such a significant leader but also to launch a summer program with many moving parts. God isContinue reading “Cool Facts about #Widji17”