Two Pages Back

So many times, Jesus’ disciples didn’t get it. Too often, we don’t either. The disciples had been with Jesus for years and still struggled. They had seen Jesus do SO many extraordinary miracles, giving signs and wonders to the world. This came up in discussion at one of our small group meetings during our devotionalContinue reading “Two Pages Back”

Easter Weekend’s Silent Saturday

Good Friday proves the all out, stop at nothing, go all the way to death, unfaltering, persistent, inexhaustible, love of God for us. Yet, sandwiched between the horror of Jesus’ crucifixion and the glory of His resurrection—between the sorrow of Friday and the celebration of Sunday—was “the silence of Saturday.” This was a day whenContinue reading “Easter Weekend’s Silent Saturday”

When I Get to Heaven

How many times have you heard someone say, “When I get to heaven…” and then they go on and on saying what they’re going to do  or who they’re going to see or ALL the questions they plan to ask God. There are dozens of songs about it too. I think the focus will notContinue reading “When I Get to Heaven”

What Would First Century Christians Say About the Church Today?

After the stoning of Stephen (the first Christian martyr), Acts 8:1 goes on to explain that “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria”. When persecution (v.4) broke out, “Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever theyContinue reading “What Would First Century Christians Say About the Church Today?”

Enamoured by Current Culture?

Don’t be enamoured by the current culture. This feels a lot like the issues the church is facing today. We seem to want to be so close to what the world does without crossing whatever the line is at the time. Have we forgotten what the standard is for the Christian life? I don’t meanContinue reading “Enamoured by Current Culture?”

Easter – He is Risen

Back at Christmas in my Advent blog, I said, “We can’t leave the Advent season without a reminder that the story doesn’t end at Christmas. We know that in Jesus’ life on earth that Christmas leads to Easter, to His death on the cross. ” This is the next part of that story.  The victoryContinue reading “Easter – He is Risen”

Jesus Returns to Nazareth

Return to Nazareth by Ray Fowler (used with permission)  This is the capstone of the Christmas story. Jesus was a Nazarene! He lived in humility, he was raised in obscurity, he suffered contempt – all so that we could be brought into the family of God. What a wonderful Savior! Even though Advent and ChristmasContinue reading “Jesus Returns to Nazareth”

God’s Goodness in Pain & Suffering

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28  This verse doesn’t mean all things will be good. No matter how rose-colored our glasses are, there’s nothing good about cancer, sex trafficking, the Covid-19 pandemic, or death. Until JesusContinue reading “God’s Goodness in Pain & Suffering”

Give Thanks for the Gifts of God

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change – James 1:17. What are you thankful for this year? Here’s my list. 

What Makes You Marvel?

What makes you marvel? To marvel by definition means:  To be filled with wonder or astonishment or admiration. A wonderful or astonishing person or thing.  Things that make you say WOW! Things that make me marvel…  The Grand Canyon (the first sight literally stopped me in my tracks)  An amazing multi-coloured sunset (especially if itContinue reading “What Makes You Marvel?”