Mary Did You Know?

Guest blog by Nicole Rose Ankenmann Thinking about Jesus’ momma tonight. We celebrate four weeks of #advent these days, but she had roughly forty weeks to anticipate the Messiah’s birth — to fret over the growing infant, to think about their future family, to wonder how long she’d be permitted to keep him. I suspectContinue reading “Mary Did You Know?”

So Will I 100 Billion X

We were introduced to a new to us worship song at church 2 Sundays ago – So Will I 100 Billion X by Hillsong United. I didn’t know the tune, so I worshiped by focusing on the words. They are fantastic! Follow the link to listen, read and contemplate the words. What is your reaction? The red colouredContinue reading “So Will I 100 Billion X”

Worship Without Wonder is a Waste

When Elaine and I first crested the hill from the parking lot and the Grand Canyon came into view we had an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder. It was jaw dropping, stop you in your tracks, take our breath away amazing (you have to see it first hand, pictures do it no justice).  WorshipContinue reading “Worship Without Wonder is a Waste”

The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions

Even I have to admit that the title of this blog is quite a claim. And that’s true. But hopefully it caught your attention enough to read further. I hope you will find some insight to help your walk with Jesus. So, here’s my list: Do them. It seems like a simple idea, but sometimesContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Amazing Devotions”

Jesus was Adopted!!

Jesus was adopted. I hadn’t ever thought of it that way before. That’s so cool! I was adopted too. Coming into the Christmas season, one of the sermons @ Faith Muskoka caught my attention in a special way. Pastor Darrell was talking about Joseph and the role he has in the Christmas story and inContinue reading “Jesus was Adopted!!”

40 Years with Jesus

My truck went over 240,000 kms this week. That seemed like a milestone as all the 9’s became 0’s. The sensation didn’t last very long as the next “1” quickly showed up and the moment was lost. I don’t want to lose the next moment.  This summer marks 40 years as a Christian for me. Continue reading “40 Years with Jesus”

Good Friday – The Death of Jesus

Part 5: The Death of Jesus Two aspects of Jesus’ death have been the source of great controversy, namely, the nature of the wound in his side and the cause of his death after only several hours on the cross. The gospel of John describes the piercing of Jesus’ side and emphasizes the sudden flowContinue reading “Good Friday – The Death of Jesus”

Good Friday – The Scourging of Jesus

Part 4: Scourging of Jesus At the Praetorium, Jesus was severely whipped. (Although the severity of the scourging is not discussed in the four Gospel accounts, it is implied in one of the epistles (1 Peter 2:24). A detailed word study of the ancient Greek text for this verse indicates that the scourging of Jesus wasContinue reading “Good Friday – The Scourging of Jesus”

Good Friday – Medical Aspects of Crucifixion

Part 3: Medical Aspects of Crucifixion With a knowledge of both anatomy and ancient crucifixion practices, one may reconstruct the probable medical aspects of this form of slow execution. Each wound apparently was intended to produce intense agony, and the contributing causes of death were numerous. The scourging prior to crucifixion served to weaken the condemnedContinue reading “Good Friday – Medical Aspects of Crucifixion”