Good Friday – Crucifixion Practices

Part 2: Crucifixion Practices Although the Romans did not invent crucifixion (the Persians did), they perfected it as a form of torture and capital punishment that was designed to produce a slow death with maximum pain and suffering. It was one of the most disgraceful and cruel methods of execution and usually was reserved only forContinue reading “Good Friday – Crucifixion Practices”

Good Friday – Flogging Practices

Today begins a five day series on the week that lead up to Good Friday. We’ll cover the flogging, crucifixion, medical aspects, scourging, and death of Jesus. What happened to Jesus was a terrible thing for any person, but we need to recognize that this happened to the Son of God! And that He didContinue reading “Good Friday – Flogging Practices”

An HR Review of Jesus’ Disciples

TO: Jesus, Son of Joseph Woodcrafters Carpenter Shop Nazareth 25922 FROM: Jordan Management Consultants Jerusalem 26544 Dear Sir: Thank you for submitting the resumes of the twelve men you have picked for management positions in your new organization. All of them have now taken our battery of tests; and we have not only run theContinue reading “An HR Review of Jesus’ Disciples”