Cairns – Showing the Way

Cairns (pronounced, like “karen” but in one syllable and think Scottish while you say it) are the way-finding rock-piles that help guide people when there were no trees around to post trail-markers. If you’ve never seen or heard of cairns, they are essentially a navigation tool first used by Vikings in Iceland to mark trailsContinue reading “Cairns – Showing the Way”

Home Plate

“17 INCHES” by Chris Sperry, Baseball/Life   Twenty years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, during the first week of January 1996, more than 4,000 baseball coaches descended upon the Opryland Hotel for the 52nd annual ABCA’s convention.   While I waited in line to register with the hotel staff, I heard other more veteran coaches rumblingContinue reading “Home Plate”

Everyday Heroes of Camp

We call them summer staff, but to our campers, they are the… Heroes of Camp!! The world needs more heroes and we’re busy assembling a team of  everyday heroes who will serve as role models for the hundreds of campers coming to Camp Widjiitiwin this summer.  By definition a hero is a person who displaysContinue reading “Everyday Heroes of Camp”

Knowing is NOT Enough, We Must Apply

Lots of us do a lot of learning through reading, play, podcasts, books, online sources, webinars, sermons, etc. The problem is that if we don’t do something with our newfound knowledge we lose the value of what we have learned. It has been said that if we don’t make a decision of what to doContinue reading “Knowing is NOT Enough, We Must Apply”

Staffing, How Widji Builds its Team

As any manager knows, building a team and hiring staff every year can be exhausting work. There are countless models to follow, and countless considerations that can pile up and, if not careful, overwhelm a person with decisions. To give an idea of what hiring looks like for this organization, here’s a couple of numbers:Continue reading “Staffing, How Widji Builds its Team”

Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People

What if you could be the pitcher that fills up the cups or glasses of half full people? How could we do that? What would it look like? Is the group you hang out with better or worse for you being in it? Is the room better or worse for you being in it? OrContinue reading “Fill The Cups Of Glasses Half Full People”

Widji Staff & Campers Will Grow Up To Rule The World

Staff & campers will grow up to rule the world! I often wonder as I look around each summer at the new group of campers, what will be come of them. Which ones will do our SALT program, become staff, then leadership staff. Which one might eventually be the camp director.  We don’t know theContinue reading “Widji Staff & Campers Will Grow Up To Rule The World”

Leadership is like Ripples on Water

The effect of our leadership continues to go out like ripples on water through the people we have impacted. A ripple moves out from the center and the ripple effect is so much greater than the original impact formed.  As a leader, every word you say, every email you write, your smile, your handshake, everything thatContinue reading “Leadership is like Ripples on Water”

Why Widjiitiwin?

Why Widji is a great question. Why not? Or why not another place or job? I’ve always said whatever job I had needed to have a greater purpose. Maybe you’re like that too. Widji does!!  In some ways we all have our own reason for coming to camp. Some grew up here a week atContinue reading “Why Widjiitiwin?”

Fingerprints On My Life

I find myself wondering a lot about the people who have helped form me into the person I am now. The people whose fingerprints are all over my life. The people who shaped, molded, guided and corrected me. Thanks to dad and mom, my Grandpas Greenfield & Copeland, Jack, Mr. Enns, Uncle Keith, Adolf, John, Tim,Continue reading “Fingerprints On My Life”