Never Stop Dating Your Spouse

Never stop dating your spouse! This advice was given to Elaine and I as a young married couple (wish we could remember who). And we have done our best to keep it going and model it to our kids & others. It turns out that people were watching for our social media posts every Tuesday.Continue reading “Never Stop Dating Your Spouse”

The Greatest Of These Is Love

Love is much more than an emotion. It is an action, a decision, a choice, a verb and a commitment. We would have a healthier conception of love if we understood that love, like parenting or friendship, is a feeling that expresses itself in action. To love is to feel and act lovingly.  “A newContinue reading “The Greatest Of These Is Love”

Father’s Day – Sunday, June 20

I’m quite certain that I didn’t I fully understood my Dad until our first child was born… but in that moment, I realized my Dad had spent my entire life protecting me, providing for me, teaching me, guiding me, exposing me to different experiences, people, places and the world. We did things together, made things,Continue reading “Father’s Day – Sunday, June 20”

Marriage Takes WORK!!

You have to give 100% to each other.  Advice from grandma on Hallmark’s Cranberry Christmas; It’s tough, a lot of the time. You have no idea what to do. And there’s a big learning curve.  The stakes are high. Marriage isn’t easy and the rookie mistake is thinking it aught to be. It takes work. Continue reading “Marriage Takes WORK!!”

Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas

As a kid I grew up in a main line denomination and I still remember some of the liturgical portions of those church services. I also remember that there were seasons marked out on our church calendar. Lent and Advent are two prominent ones I remember. As we approach Christmas this year, let’s talk aboutContinue reading “Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas”

Are YOU a New Creation?

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” When a contractor starts to build a new house on new land, he has to first create a way to get in all the materials and equipment and people neededContinue reading “Are YOU a New Creation?”

Your Role in the “One Another” Verses

Consider what God is requiring of you and me as we look at the “one another” passages in the Bible. Here is a quick summary: love, forgive, honour, live in harmony, do not deceive, encourage, be devoted, serve, agree, don’t judge, accept, greet, teach & admonish, be kind, patient, be compassionate, gentle & humble, doContinue reading “Your Role in the “One Another” Verses”

Good Friday 2020

At the age of 33, Jesus was condemned to death. At the time crucifixion was the “worst” death of all. Only the worst criminals were condemned to be crucified. Yet it was even more dreadful and horrifying for Jesus, unlike other criminals condemned to death by crucifixion, Jesus was to be nailed to the crossContinue reading “Good Friday 2020”

Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?

Marriage isn’t the paper. It’s not the rings or the ceremony either. It’s the relationship of husband and wife each giving 100% of themselves to make it the best relationship they have. It’s hard work and commitment. It’s about love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith. Tom Selleck (Blue Bloods, Magnum P.I.) says, “Jillie andContinue reading “Marriage: What Does a Good One Look Like?”