Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas

As a kid I grew up in a main line denomination and I still remember some of the liturgical portions of those church services. I also remember that there were seasons marked out on our church calendar. Lent and Advent are two prominent ones I remember. As we approach Christmas this year, let’s talk aboutContinue reading “Advent; Anticipating the Coming of Christmas”

When did Jesus know He was God?

When did Jesus know He was God? The short answer is we don’t know because the Bible doesn’t tell us. We are told in the Luke 2:39-52 that as a boy of 12 Jesus knew he was the son of God and must be “in his father’s house”.  I imagine that Mary and Joseph wouldContinue reading “When did Jesus know He was God?”

Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?

Jesus asked His disciples in Matthew 16 who do the people say that He was. Then He asked who do you say that I am? Matthew 16:13-20 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John theContinue reading “Who Do You Say That Jesus Is?”