Introducing Meandering Moose

Welcome to my new website where I will be blogging, telling stories and sharing ideas. In the past, my blogs have been a mix of summer camp and personal interest stories and articles. I have carried many of those here to this new website. I started blogging as a way to build up the SEOContinue reading “Introducing Meandering Moose”

Time to Say Goodbye

It is a sad time for me (Moose). I am saying goodbye to two ministries and a group of people I have come to love and respect. I have packed up my office at MBC, collected a few things from Widji and locked the purple gate for my last time.  The decision has been madeContinue reading “Time to Say Goodbye”

Storytime with Moose

As part of an MBC initiative, “MBC Storytime“, Moose and Heyoo read stories leading up to Christmas 2020.  Here, Moose reads the book Princess Charity’s Courageous Heart, based on the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Princess Charity’s Courageous Heart was written by Jeanna Young & Jacqueline Kinney Johnson with illustrator, Omar Aranda. It wasContinue reading “Storytime with Moose”

She Chose Life for Me!!

World Adoption Day is coming up on Monday, November 9th and I want to thank a woman I never got to meet.  I need to thank my birth mom for giving me life. Many of you know that I’m adopted. My birth mom was Elizabeth Madge Osmond. She had other options after discovering she wasContinue reading “She Chose Life for Me!!”

Weird Collections-What’s Yours?

This blog was inspired by one of the hosts on a Zoom call with fellow camp directors, including Joe Richards (aka YoYoJoe). In addition to the yo-yos that I knew Joe collected, he also have several other somewhat odd collections. That got me thinking about my collections.  I (Moose) thought I just had a couple.Continue reading “Weird Collections-What’s Yours?”

What Would My 16 Year Old Self Would Say to Me?

Lately I’ve been wondering, “What Would My 16 Year Old Self Would Say to Me?” That’s him on the right.  Nice beard! Aren’t you glad I started it? But what happened to the colour? And where did all my hair go? I saw you on Facebook. Sure glad we didn’t have that when we wereContinue reading “What Would My 16 Year Old Self Would Say to Me?”

Cooking with Moose: Zucchini Bread

Recipes we use at camp and some from Moose’s family cookbook, “That Tastes Like Home”. Today’s recipe: Zucchini Bread. This is the best way to eat zucchini!!! Ingredients 3 eggs 1 cup vegetable oil 1 ½ cups white sugar 1 tsp. salt 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 cups grated zucchini, skin onContinue reading “Cooking with Moose: Zucchini Bread”

Reflections on Widji Summer 2018

Here are some of the great things to celebrate as we have been blessed at Widji this past summer. 42 decisions for Christ 84 Bibles given out Full leadership team with age & maturity (8+ staff over 20) During Royal City’s week alone, 27 bibles were given out This summer we had 328 campers plus 26Continue reading “Reflections on Widji Summer 2018”

Warning! Moose in a China Shop…

I’ve often wondered where the saying “a bull in a china shop” came from. How does a bull get into a china shop? More on that in a minute. Can you imagine Moose or Bear or Buster or Boomer or Sherlock or Heyoo in a china shop? It has to be arms down, eyes straightContinue reading “Warning! Moose in a China Shop…”