Never Stop Dating Your Spouse

Never stop dating your spouse! This advice was given to Elaine and I as a young married couple (wish we could remember who). And we have done our best to keep it going and model it to our kids & others. It turns out that people were watching for our social media posts every Tuesday.Continue reading “Never Stop Dating Your Spouse”

Enamoured by Current Culture?

Don’t be enamoured by the current culture. This feels a lot like the issues the church is facing today. We seem to want to be so close to what the world does without crossing whatever the line is at the time. Have we forgotten what the standard is for the Christian life? I don’t meanContinue reading “Enamoured by Current Culture?”

Your Role in the “One Another” Verses

Consider what God is requiring of you and me as we look at the “one another” passages in the Bible. Here is a quick summary: love, forgive, honour, live in harmony, do not deceive, encourage, be devoted, serve, agree, don’t judge, accept, greet, teach & admonish, be kind, patient, be compassionate, gentle & humble, doContinue reading “Your Role in the “One Another” Verses”